Patents Law
Yonatan Drori published a book called “Patents Law”. The book unfolds before the reader, be it a judge in court, a patent attorney drafting a patent application, a lawyer representing his clients in a dispute concerning a patent or the inventor himself seeking to protect his invention, the words of the legislation and rulings of the courts in Israel and around the world and analyzes them, detailing the international treaties that deal with intellectual property law in general and patents law in particular and gives them clear explanations.
Judge Dr. Gershon Gontovnik, in the book introduction:
“I have no doubt that the book, on its two volumes, will serve as a basic book in the field of patents law. Those who wish to receive answers to practical dilemmas, who wish to rise to the level of theory and principles, who wish to get a picture of our practice and the way in which our patents law form part of emerging international laws, should all refer to browse in its pages, read and become wiser. The breadth of the project is extremely impressive. The accuracy and clarity of the analysis are worthy of praise. My congratulations to Adv. Drori, and my congratulations to our patent lawyers for winning this book.”
Patent registrar Adv. Ofir Alon, in the book introduction:
“The book comprehensively and systematically reviews the Patents Law in Israel, the law and the case law, with a comparative look at the positions and solutions taken on various issues in other jurisdictions.
The book is not content with a review of the case law as it developed in the courts, but it also refers to the decisions made by the Patent Office Tribunal as well as the practice used by the Patent Office. In this manner, the book provides the reader with a broad view of the issues discussed in it. There is no doubt that the book will be an excellent starting point for a person having ordinary skill in the field of law to know what the Israeli law position is on various questions in the patents law.
But the book is not intended only for practitioners in the field of law. The book explains complex issues in clear and simple language and makes the field accessible even to those who are not in the field of law, an achievement that is not negated when we are dealing with one of the most complex areas of civil law. The author even included in the book chapters of a practical nature such as due diligence and patent search.
Thanks, and congratulations to the honorable author, Adv. Yonatan Drori, for his comprehensive and painstaking work and for completing a significant gap in the legal literature in Israel. We hope that the author will continue his blessed practice and we will receive updated editions of the book in the future.”

Intellectual Property Law in Israel
Authored by Adv. Drori and Adv. Werzansky-Orland – A new book published by the end of 2019. The book extensively and thoroughly reviewing the Intellectual Property Law in Israel, providing an in-depth coverage of the Israeli legislation and case law in this field, from historical, procedural and substantial points of view.
The novelty of the book is manifested primarily in its unique structure that creates harmonization of the variety of Intellectual Property legislations in Israel in the form of a codex, simplifying the introduction of readers to the Israeli IP Law by presenting the legal framework of each branch of IP Law in Israel in a uniform hierarchal, inclusive and systematic structure.
Elyakim Rubinstein, Former Justice and Deputy President of the Supreme Court of Israel (retired) on the preface of the book:
“Our authors have been able to encompass within the book the substantial law of intellectual property, the remedies in case of violations, including the new legislation and judicial decisions, as well as the criminal sanctions to avoid abuse. It is an informative and professional book, and should amply serve whoever wishes to understand Israeli law in this vital area and to associate with Israeli enterprises in the area of intellectual property.”
Industrial Design Law
Adv. Drori and Adv. Werzansky Orland are the authors of “Industrial Design Law“, the first ever comprehensive book on industrial design which has gained vast recognition within the legal milieu and has been frequently quoted and referenced in various cases.
Noam Sohlberg, Supreme Court Judge: “These educated scholars, Yotam Werzansky-Orland and Yonatan Drori, described well, in this extensive book, the secrets of Industrial Design Law. This first-of-a-kind innovative guide, includes an elaborate review of the legislation, binding precedents and rulings, comparative law, reflections on the memorandum of the new Israeli Design Law – 2013, and more. Any council or judge, lecturer or student, creator or creation may all find this book of great use to them. The Design Law is worth speculating on and clarifying, both in theory and in fact, and the authors of this book deserve a recognition for this great effort that they succeeded to make in doing so”.
Dr. Meir Noam, Head of Israel Patent and Design Registrar (retired): “In Israel’s years of existences, Intellectual Property Laws have been legislated as well as amended; starting with Copyright Law, through Trademark Law and ending with Patent Law. Thus covering all the aspects of Intellectual Property Law, excluding Industrial Design Law. That is precisely the reason why the publishing of this book by Adv. Yotam Werzansky-Orland and Dr. Yonatan Drori, is twice as valid, considering the upcoming confirmation of the new Design Law – 2013, indicating a new era within the field of Israeli Industrial Designs. This book is unique as it is written in both a highly professional language while still keeping it very clear and accessible. Thus, the book not only appeals to the judge presiding, but also to the representative council as well as, and perhaps mainly, to the Industrial designer, who find himself, in most cases, facing an unknown world of rules and regulations within the Design Law world”.

Internet Law and IP in the Cyber domain
Yonatan Drori, Yotam Werzansky Orland and Uria Yarkoni together with Jonathan Bar Sade have published a book, dealing with “Internet Law and IP in the Cyber Domain”. This unique book is the first Israeli book which deals with this complicated area of practice. .
Prof. Ofer Grosskopf, Supreme Court Judge: “This book you are holding is a brave and worthy attempt to carefully and wisely pace through the obstacle road we are facing when trying to discuss the legal arrangements of the virtual world. The authors analyze a long line of topics related to what we now call “online commercial law”; beginning with contracts and electronic licensing, through online equity trade, virtual currency, crowd funding and ending with Internet Trade Taxation. They craftily and skillfully incorporate an accessible review of the current technological reality for each of these topics, accompanied with an educated and learned analysis of both the Israeli and the Comparative Law. Thus, the reader receives a greater understanding of the virtual reality and the legal tools which exist for its arrangement. Internet Law is in its infancy stages and many years will pass before it establishes its foundations. However, as we know, one cannot expect any legal field to be created with a single swing, as if it were Athena, cleaving in all her glory from her father, Zeus’s, bearing forehead. In this primeval stage, it is important to understand where we stand and where we are heading. This book in front of us is a guide to a new and challenging world. That is its great and important contribution and for that its authors are to be commended”.
Monetary Remedies in Intellectual Property Procedures
Yonatan Drori published a book called “Monetary Remedies in Intellectual Property Procedures”. The book is based on Drori’s academic thesis. The book edited by Yotam Werzansky-Orland and Alex Nabdrik.
Dr. Amiram Binyamini, District Court Judge (retired): “Dr. Drori’s book will no doubt offer an important and valuable contribution to the clarification of monetary remedies in Intellectual Property, and to the advancing of greater harmony and judicial certainty in the field. This book will no doubt be an important and useful aid to all those who practice Intellectual Property – judges and lawyers alike – as well as to those who seek to academically research the subject. The statistical research included In the book, which is based on courts’ rulings, will also assist in establishing uniformity in IP monetary remedies, while also giving judges and lawyers a general range of the amounts awarded in courts. For all these, one should congratulate the publishing of this important book”.