יונתן דרורי YONATAN DRORI

Yonatan Drori

Founding Partner

Adv. Yonatan Drori is a partner in DWO. His practice encompasses a broad range of expertise including: intellectual property prosecution and litigation, especially in the area of patents, patent prosecution, and internet-computer based litigation. Yonatan brings years of experience to the field of intellectual property, with a background in computers programing.

Yonatan was recently ranked by the WWL (Patents and Trademarks),  the WIPR Leaders (Patents), the WTR1000 (Trademark enforcement, litigation and transactions), the IP Stars (Intellectual property), the iam Patent 1000 (Patent Litigation and Prosecution), the Client Choice Guide (Intellectual Property, Patents and and Trademark ) and was recently ranked by the Legal 500 as a recommended lawyer in the field of intellectual property prosecution.

Yonatan worked as a Programer During his Law studies (Tel Aviv University), Thesis from Bar Ilan University focus on “Monetary Remedies in Intellectual Property Procedures”.

Book Publications:

 – Industrial Design Law Book (2014); 

 – Internet Law Book (2015); 

 – Monetary Remedies in Intellectual Property Procedures Book (2016);

 – Industrial Design Law Book, Second edition (2019);

 – Intellectual Property Law in Israel (2020);

 – Patent Law Book (2023).